Big Tech, Power & Diplomacy
All Tech is Human Series #3: with Rana Sarkar & Alexis Wichowski
Details from the original livestream event put on by All Tech is Human
Action Items
For Everyone:
Recognize that our relationship with governments are changing
Don’t be afraid of a shifting relationship with the government or a shifting relationship with large tech companies; understand that change may be inevitable.
Ask yourself if you are looking up to tech companies to provide any safety or security that you might be lacking from your government
Ask yourself: if you had to choose between privacy and security, what would you choose? Why? (Based on Alexis’ comments about trust between citizens and government)
If you are interested in diving into this question - ask yourself what you would have done if you had been Tim Cook when Apple was asked by the government to release a back door to the iPhone to protect against terrorism? Why would you make the decision that you would make?
For Policy Makers:
Build cross literacy between your government and other governments
Work on coordination efforts to make communication easier!
Encourage more conversation and communication between large tech corporations and government bodies
Invite stakeholders from large tech companies or multilateral organizations to be at the table for important conversations
For Those Who Work For a Multinational or Global Tech Organization:
Recognize that you might have to pick sides between sovereign states that your technologies interact with and within
Admit the allegiance that you likely owe to the nation that your organization is based in, and recognize what relations your nation has with others globally who interact with your technology
Hire diplomats for your organization! Hire ambassadors and specialists who can help your organization with treaties, allegiance, and relationships with other nations
Utilize these roles to engage with multilateral organizations
Annotated Resources
Resources From Alexis Wichowski (guest speaker from this episode):
Twitter: @awichowski
The Information Trade: How Big Tech Conquers Countries, Challenges Our Rights, and Transforms Our World (Alexis’ book)
Resources From Rana Sarkar (guest speaker from this episode):
Relevant Publications and Media:
The World’s First Ambassador to the Tech Industry (introduced by David and Rana about the geopolitical shift globally)
Net States Rule the World; We Need to Recognize Their Power (concept of Net States introduced in Alexis’ book, mentioned in the livestream)
Cybersecurity expert Alex Stamos on Facebook’s counter-terrorism team and the private-public divide (introduced by David)
Microsoft appoints senior government affairs leaders in Brussels and New York, establishes New York office to work with the United Nations (mentioned by Alexis)
Casper Klynge’s Model (focused solely on technology companies in the tech ecosystem)
Cybersecurity PLUS Model (modalities and regimes needed for technology)
Hybrid Model (Tech Regulation -- Rana’s work)
AI ethics backed by Pope and tech giants in new plan (mentioned by Alexis)
Sidewalk Labs plans to spin out more smart city companies (discussed by David and Rana)
Data Trust (mentioned by Rana)
The FBI Wanted a Back Door to the iPhone. Tim Cook Said No (mentioned by David in terms of tech companies resistance towards working with the government)
Groups Doing a Good Job in This Space (introduced by Rana):
Do you have any more action items that you’d like to share that are related to this topic? Any resources you’d like to include in this list? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment below (you can post your comment by hovering over the bottom-right corner of the comment box).