Measurementality is our new series of podcasts, webinars, and reports created in collaboration with the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) focused on, “defining what counts in the Algorithmic Age”. While it’s critical that Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) are transparent, responsible, and trustworthy, Measurementality will explore the deeper issues around what measurements of success we are optimizing for in the first place.
The first 10 episodes of the Measurementality podcast will be hosted by The Radical AI Podcast and are sponsored by IEEE SA.
Episode #1
Defining What Counts in the Algorithmic Age
Episode #2
Children’s Data and Sustainability
Episode #3
Counting Mental Health and Caregiving
Episode #5
Intergenerational Collaboration
Episode #7
AI Registries
Episode #4
What Are We Optimizing For?
Episode #6
Authentic Accountability
Episode #8

Get Involved
Stay up to date on the latest Measurementality content.
Join previous guests of the show on IEEE SA webinars as they dive deeper into the topics introduced on the Measurementality podcast with Jess and Dylan.
Measurementality is working to define what counts in the algorithmic age. Radical AI and IEEE SA want to hear from you - what's your vision for the positive future of AI? Send us your thoughts to be included in our upcoming reports.
“Unless we know what counts in other people’s lives then we cannot assume what we build will honor them..”
— John C. Havens